140+ Flower Names for Boys with Meanings | Pampers (2024)

Welcome to our list of flower and plant names for boys. This treasure trove offers unique and meaningful names rooted in nature for families with green thumbs. From the more common male flower names to unique and modern unisex options, our collection showcases the full spectrum of floral and botanical charm. These botanical boy names are more than labels; they inspire, empower, and connect your child with nature.

Popular Flower Names for Boys

Whether it’s boy names that mean “flower,” or those inspired by the blossoming wonders of nature, our selection offers a unique blend of beauty and masculinity. Explore these floral boy names that embody strength, elegance, and the delicate allure of flowers.1. Aaron. Originating from Hebrew, Aaron translates to “high mountain” or “exalted,” a strong and steadfast symbol for a baby boy. Aaron is also the name of a flowering shrub or tree called Aaron’s beard. 2. Bud. Bud is an adorable and quintessential flower name for boys. It’s an English name that refers to the early stage of a blossom, symbolizing potential and growth for a baby boy.3. Clem. This boys’ name is a diminutive of Clement and is associated with the beautiful clematis flower. It originates from the Latin word clemens, meaning “merciful, gentle.”4. Corey. Inspired by the bright, daisy-like Coreopsis flower, Corey is an appealing short form that’s modern and fresh.5. Cosmos. Rooted in Greek and English, Cosmos translates to “beauty,” “order,” or “universe.” It’s also a delicate, daisy-like flower, making it a wonderful boys’ name with floral ties.6. Fiorello. An Italian name meaning “little flower,” Fiorello captures the charm and elegance of blooming flora.7. Florian. Meaning “flowering” in Latin, this floral boys’ name is popular in many European countries.8. Fox. Inspired by the wild and beautiful foxglove flower, Fox is an English boys’ name that’s unique, cool, and charming.9. Jacek. This is the Polish version of the name for the Hyacinth flower, a symbol of sincerity and constancy.10. Lupin. Named after a type of flower and translating to “wolf-like” in Latin, Lupin is a trendy choice that also shares a name with a beloved Harry Potter character.11. Ren. Ren is a Japanese boys’ name meaning “water lily” or “lotus.” It’s short and cool while embodying peace and spiritual enlightenment.12. Viorel. This floral boys’ name comes from the Romanian word for the Alpine Squill or the Sweet Violet flower. Derived from the Latin viola, it means “violet.”13. Yeong-Ho. Yeong-Ho is a Korean boys’ name that means “bright flower,” symbolizing optimism and radiance.

More Popular Flower Names for Boys

Who would have guessed that there were so many masculine flower names to choose from? And here are even more:


140+ Flower Names for Boys with Meanings | Pampers (1)

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Unique Male Flower Names

Let’s journey into the unique realm of male flower names, where the blossoming wonders of nature meet various global cultures and mythologies. This section presents an array of unusual, yet captivating boy names that are inspired by flowers or that simply mean “flower”. Dive in and maybe find that perfectly unique floral name for that special little boy on the way.

22. Aciano. Aciano is a Spanish name that’s derived from a type of blue bottle flower. This vibrant name reflects the beauty and resilience of nature.23. Calix. Originating from Latin, this unique flower name for males translates to “chalice” and is a part of a flower (Calyx). 24. Chrysanthos. Rooted in Greek, Chrysanthos means “golden flower,” making it a unique choice for a golden-haired baby boy.25. Florizel. Florizel is a cool and unique boys’ name of Latin origin and literary fame that simply means “flower.” This charming name was also used by Shakespeare in his play The Winter's Tale. 26. Gentian. An Albanian moniker, Gentian is derived from a flowering plant of the same name. Its roots are used for medicinal purposes, symbolizing healing and rejuvenation.27. Hyacinthus. Originating from Greek mythology, Hyacinthus is a beautiful flower name for boys’ associated with a tale involving Apollo and Hyacinthus, a mortal youth. When Hyacinthus passed away, a flower (the hyacinth) sprung where he lay. 28. Melanthios. This is a Greek boys’ name that means “dark flower.” It has deep roots in Greek mythology and symbolizes mystery and allure.29. Narcissus. Named after the Narcissus flower and originating in Greek mythology, this name embodies self-love and esteem, just like the mythological figure it’s named after.30. Xochipilli. Do you like unique names starting with the letter X? If so, this Aztec name means “flower prince” in Nahuatl. Xochipilli was also the Aztec god of love, flowers, song, and games, making this name symbolize passion, creativity, and joy for your baby boy.

More Unique Male Flower Names

Your baby boy deserves a name just as unique as he is, so keep reading for even more options:

Plant and Botanical Names for Boys

Stepping into the world of botanical names for boys is a journey filled with meaning and connection to the natural world. Simple yet profound, these male plant names offer a unique touch, drawn directly from nature’s bounty.

40. Alon. This Hebrew plant-inspired boys name means “oak tree” and is unique yet cool enough to stand beside today's trendiest names.41. Arvid. In Old Norse, this boys’ name means “eagle” and “tree,” making it a great nature-inspired name for a strong little boy.42. Ask. This Old Norse name represents the “ash tree.” It also holds a significant place in Norse mythology as Ask and Embla were the first human beings created by the gods.43. Basil. Derived from the herb of the same name, this botanical boys’ name means “royal” in Greek. It's a flavorful name with a regal touch. 44. Consus. Originating from Latin, Consus means “to sow” or “to plant.” This name is associated with the Roman god of harvest and is deeply rooted in mythology. 45. Cypress. Named after the tall, evergreen tree, Cypress is a symbol of endurance and has a majestic, natural appeal.46. Daiki. Daiki is a cool Japanese name that combines “great” with “brightness” or “tree,” symbolizing strength and brilliance. 47. Elwood. For a charming name with an ethereal vibe, why not try this male plant name, meaning “elder tree forest” in Old English. 48. Eoghan. This Irish boys’ name translates to “born from the yew tree,” making it a unique nature-inspired name for your little one.49. Gwydion. This magical Welsh name for boys is perfect for nature lovers thanks to its meaning of “born of the trees.” In Welsh mythology, Gwydion is the son of a king and a powerful magician, adding a mystical element to its appeal. 50. Heath. Heath is a masculine plant name with a rugged, outdoorsy feel to it. It’s the English word for an area of uncultivated land or the hardy shrub that grows on it. 51. Hiroki. A Japanese name translating to “big bright tree,” symbolizing growth, strength, and luminosity. For more bright and shining names like this, check out our list of names that mean “light”.52. Ivor. From Old Norse, Ivor means “yew tree,” “bow,” or “warrior,” making it a strong and resilient plant name for baby boys. 53. Kauri. This name is derived from a majestic type of tree native to New Zealand, giving it a unique, natural charm.

54. Kiefer. With German and English origins, this botanical boys’ name means “pine tree” and “barrel maker.” The actor Kiefer Sutherland is a famous bearer of this name.55. Koa. Koa is a Hawaiian name meaning “koa tree” and “warrior,” making it a cool and powerful boy name for your little guy.56. Neophytos. Celebrate your new arrival with a name that means “new child” or “new plant” in Greek.57. Oren. This trendy-sounding plant name for boys means “pine tree” in Hebrew.58. Perry. This English name translates to “pear tree,” giving it a sweet botanical vibe. A famous bearer was actor Matthew Perry, famous for his role in the TV show Friends. 59. Sage. Sage is a herb name that also means “wise” in Latin, symbolizing wisdom and healing. 60. Sorrel. Named after a perennial herb, Sorrel has a unique and natural appeal. 61. Vesa. This Finnish name translates to “sprout” or “young tree,” symbolizing new beginnings and growth—the perfect way to celebrate your new baby boy!

More Plant and Botanical Names for Boys

Here are even more male names inspired by plants and botanicals:

Choosing a baby name can be fun yet also overwhelming. Watch this video for some exciting facts that could help you find the perfect baby name!

Gender-Neutral Flower Names

Our list of unisex flower names offers a modern and inclusive selection for your little guy or girl. They strike a perfect balance between delicacy and strength, blooming with versatile beauty. 78.Anh. This Vietnamese name can mean “flower,” “petal,” or “brave hero,” giving it a rich, multi-dimensional appeal. By choosing this name, you're adorning your child with qualities of courage, heroism, and the delicate beauty of nature.79.Aster. Originating from a flower of the same name, Aster is a floral and celestial name that means “star”. 80.Fiore. This Italian boys’ name means “flower,” and can work just as well for girls. 81.Golzar. Here’s a unique unisex flower name that means “flower” combined with “field or garden” in Persian.82.Haruka. Haruka is a versatile Japanese name that can mean “distant” or “remote”. It may also mean “spring” or “clear weather,” combined with “flower” or “fragrance”. It certainly conjures up the beauty of a clear spring day with the scent of blossoming flowers in the air.83.Indigo. More than just a striking, deep blue dye, Indigo is a gender-neutral botanical name that’s as unique as it is colorful. This name is inspired by the plant that produces the famous indigo dye.84.Kalei. In Hawaiian, this beautiful unisex name means “flower child.”85.Leilani. Another floral Hawaiian name is the dreamy Leilani, meaning “heavenly flowers” or “royal child.”86.Nitzan. This cool Hebrew name for boys and girls means “flower bud,” representing that tiny life waiting to blossom in the outside world.87.Valerian. Valerian is a Latin name derived from a medicinal plant and is a powerful, gender-neutral name. It symbolizes strength (valere meaning “to be strong”) and the healing power of nature.

More Gender-Neutral Flower Names

Celebrate the boundless beauty of nature with even more unisex flower names:

Gender-Neutral Plant Names

Gender-neutral plant names for baby boys and girls are an ideal choice if you’re seeking a unique, meaningful, and versatile name that celebrates the diversity of nature. 100. Ash. Derived from an Old English word for the ash tree, this name also denotes the residue left after a fire. It possesses a strong yet delicate charm, symbolizing resilience and renewal, just like the ash tree that thrives amidst adversity.101. Bai. Bai is a cute Chinese name that can mean “pure,” “many,” or “cypress tree, cedar.” 102. Briar. Derived from the name of a thorny plant, Briar is an enchantingly unique name. The plant’s thorny exterior symbolizes resilience for a little one.103. Cedar. Named after the majestic coniferous tree, Cedar symbolizes strength and endurance. Its gender-neutral appeal and natural charm make it a grounded yet enticing choice for a baby name.104. Elm. Named after the grand Elm tree, this English plant name for boys and girls conveys strength and endurance.105. Fern. Derived from the fern plant, this male and female name is a sweet and modest choice for a baby that’s deeply rooted in nature. 106. Lian. Meaning “lotus” or “waterfall,” Lian is a beautiful Chinese name that is perfect if you’re seeking names that mean “water” or “flower.”107. Oak. This is an English name named after the mighty oak tree. The oak tree is known for its longevity and hardiness.108. Oleander. Oleander is a cool and unique botanical name for boys and girls that’s named after a beautiful Mediterranean shrub. 109. Reed. Originating from Old English, Reed refers to the reedy plant and denotes a red-haired person. It might make a great choice for your fiery-haired little one. 110. Rowan. This Irish name translates to “rowan tree,” a tree esteemed in Celtic mythology for its protective properties, and also references the Old Norse word for “red,” adding a fiery edge to its natural charm. It’s no wonder this charming name has become a popular boys name in the United States in recent years. 111. Sequoia. Named after the towering trees found in California, Sequoia has Cherokee origins and is a tribute to the Native American leader Sequoyah. It’s also a unique name starting with the letter S.112. Thyme. This name is based on the herb Thyme, known for its culinary and medicinal uses. It’s a tasteful, aromatic choice for a botanical baby boy or girl name.

More Gender-Neutral Plant Names

Here are a few more cool options:

Even More Flower and Plant Names for Boys

The Bottom Line

We hope our list of floral and botanical names for boys has sparked your imagination and provided a wealth of choices. These names, deeply rooted in nature, offer strength, beauty, and meaningful connections. Whether you prefer traditional flower names, unique botanical choices, or gender-neutral options, each name reflects our connection with nature. If you enjoyed this list of floral boy names, you might like to check out our flower names for girls.Whether you’re early in your pregnancy or getting ready to pack your hospital bag, now might be a good time to download the Pampers Club app so you can get rewards and discounts for your future diaper purchases.

140+ Flower Names for Boys with Meanings | Pampers (2024)


What is a flower name for a boy? ›

More Popular Flower Names for Boys
NameMeaning or Flower Type
17.PerezTo blossom
18.RooseveltRose field
4 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

What flower is suitable for boy? ›

Flowers perfect for guys. The most popular flower varieties when it comes to selecting a bouquet for a boy are sunflowers, irises, chrysanthemums, and gerberas.

What is a boy flower? ›

Female flowers have pistils and male flowers have stamens. An easy way to remember is that stamen has the word “men” in it.

What flower is named after a man? ›

In 1737, the Dutch botanist Jan Frederik Gronovius described the Transvaal daisy and named it Gerbera after the contemporary physician and botanist Traugott Gerber.

Which flower represents male? ›

What are masculine flowers? Masculine flowers are flowers that are traditionally associated with masculine aesthetics or qualities. These flowers often feature bold or muted colors, strong lines, and less delicate or frilly petals. Examples of manly flowers include roses, dahlias, orchids, protea, and succulents.

What are flowers for guys? ›

Red Chrysanthemums

Red chrysanthemums have a striking and rich red color, making them the perfect masculine flower. These flowers also embody a strong appearance with their bold petal shapes.

What is the boy flower called? ›

Anthurium, also known as the flamingo flower, flamingo lily, boy flower, oilcloth flower or laceleaf, is an exotic-looking indoor plant with a red flower, and large, glossy leaves.

What name is given to a male flower? ›

The male parts of the flower are called the stamens and are made up of the anther at the top and the stalk or filament that supports the anther. The female elements are collectively called the pistil.

What flower is best for baby boy? ›

  • It's always good to know the gender of the baby before you select any newborn flowers. ...
  • Lilies, roses, tulips and carnations are popular new baby flowers for a baby girl. ...
  • And for a newborn boy, Freesia, delphinium, iris and statice are all great options.
May 5, 2022

What is a flower boy called? ›

Chinese sources referred only to the physical beauty of the "flower boys" who were known for their androgynous good looks. The word "kkonminam" is a neologism that was first used to describe "pretty boy characters from girls comics who regularly appeared against backgrounds filled with flowery patterns".

Can a boy be a flower boy? ›

If the boy is enthusiastic about the task and is generally an outgoing kid, he will probably thrive as a flower boy. Alternatively, if he is more timid or shy, asking him to fulfill such an important duty might put him in an uncomfortable situation.

Are there any male flowers? ›

You need to check the plant when it's flowering and take a close look at the blossoms. Female flowers contain a swollen vase-like structure called a pistil. Male flowers have long, thin filament or pin-like structures called stamens. Some flowers are "perfect" and contain both the male and female parts.

What is a manly flower name? ›

1. Alder. Alder is a type of tree from the birch family, and the name also belongs to a type of flower (Turnera subulata) that have beautiful white and yellow petals. The name has a masculine feel to it and is perfect for boys.

What is a man's flower? ›

A boutonnière (French: [bu. tɔ. njɛʁ]) or buttonhole (British English) is a floral decoration, typically a single flower or bud, worn on the lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket.

Can boys have flower names? ›

Floral finds are usually lumped in with the girls, but flower names for boys are rare gems blooming with cool factor. They vary from obvious finds like Yarrow to subtle sweethearts like Kamal, but all are worth exploring for something stylish.

What is a male flower called? ›

The male parts are called stamens and usually surround the pistil. The stamen is made up of two parts: the anther and filament. The anther produces pollen (male reproductive cells).

What are flowers for men called? ›

Boutonnières are a floral decoration worn by men to accessorize their suit or tuxedo look for a formal event.

What is the boy version of Lily? ›

Its origin is the Latin word Lilium (lily). In French, Lilian (French pronunciation: [li. ljɑ̃]) is the male form of the name, while Liliane is the female form. The first time this name became popular was in the early 1700s, with the expansion of the French colonial empire around the world.


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